Unlocking Your Inner Potential: Harnessing Inner Wisdom, Healing Powers

-Welcome to Sai Shakti Healing!

Unlocking Your Inner Potential: Harnessing Inner Wisdom, Healing Powers, and Enlightened Self Connection for a Happier, Resilient Life

Rejuvenate your inner wisdom and transform your life through the synergistic and cleansing energies of the divine feminine (Shakti) and divine masculine (Shiva).

Journey to Wholeness with Angelic Sai Shakti Healing

Begin a loving journey towards inner peace and fulfillment with Angelic Sai Shakti Healing. Our ceremonies, healing sessions, and courses in the Radiant School of Light, whether online or in person, gently utilize the harmonious Cosmic Energies of God to guide you back to your divine essence. Break down barriers, unlock your boundless potential, and replace negativity with peace, love, and happiness. Embrace your true nature, overcome obstacles, and joyfully live out your life's purpose while sharing inspiration and empowerment with others through healing, unity, and love.

Experience a beautiful transformation through our healing sessions, ceremonies, and meditations, providing solace and a profound connection to the Divine Mother. Rediscover your inner self, unlock your potential, and embrace unity and purpose. Embark on a journey of self-discovery with Sai Shakti Healing to tap into the harmonious forces that create a world filled with love, joy, and healing. Join us today for a nurturing and deeply connected experience with the Divine Mother.

-Shanti Lleone

Real Healing is Soul Healing

Benefits of Soul Healing

- Unlock joy and harmony

- Free your soul from deep wounds and karmic cycles hindering growth and manifestation

- Overcome barriers, reach true potential, and align physical life with joy and happiness

- Self-reflection and deep contemplation unravel karmic patterns, granting freedom to manifest desires

- Healing dissipates past wounds, revealing inner potential and unlocking creativity

- Manifest dreams, amplify desires, and resonate with your soul as joy permeates existence

- Cultivate inner well-being to extend harmony to relationships effortlessly

- Genuine connections flourish with understanding, empathy, and compassion

- Healed soul attracts positivity and nurtures fulfilling relationships

- Well-being, wellness, and harmonious relationships intertwine in a tapestry of healing and empowerment

- Transform past wounds into stepping stones to self-realization for a joyful, fulfilling life

- Embrace soul healing and empowerment for a brighter, harmonious future

Book Your

Sai Shatki Healing

Sai Shatki Healing

Sai Shakti Healing: Ignite Your Inner Transformation

Experience profound healing and rejuvenation. Shanti’s comprehensive approach goes beyond conventional methods, recognizing the interconnected forces of mind, body, and spirit. Blending ancient wisdom with contemporary practices, Shanti, offers a transformative experience that addresses the complexities of modern life. Embrace your limitless potential and unlock holistic well-being.

Book your session today and embark on a life-altering transformation towards harmony, vitality, and happiness.

Divine Meditation Processes

  • The Ultimate Purification Process

    The Ultimate Purification Process

    Feeling emotional pain? Experience deep healing and transformation with these powerful mantras and yantras. This ancient practice, called tantra, can cleanse, purify, and energize you. Discover the wisdom of the ancient Rishis who created this program thousands of years ago to help us with our current struggles. Through these practices, you'll reconnect with your inner strength, ignite your soul power, and explore the significance of the Womb Chakra. Release past hurts, let go of limiting beliefs, and embrace endless personal growth opportunities.

  • Unlock Supernatural Powers and Attain Perfect Balance

    Unlock Supernatural Powers and Attain Perfect Balance

    Are you seeking long-term changes and letting go of traits that hinder your progress? The 5 Elements Process can bring balance to your core, granting advanced skills like healing and manifestation. Achieve harmony in your thoughts, body, and soul for inner peace and valuable tools to maintain stability. Boost your inner energy, heal your body, and gain the power to heal others. Connect with the angels of each element to improve your intuition and strengthen your defenses. This will support your resilience and stability during tough times, and enhance your ability to succeed in this life and beyond.

  • Shaktipat Healing Session

    Shaktipat is a spiritual practice that entails the transfer of spiritual energy from higher states of awareness by a spiritual Master. The primary goal of this process is to help recipients release deep-seated karmic imprints and infuse them with the purest form of cosmic energy. Through this transmission, individuals can address a wide range of challenges such as stagnation, depression, stress, confusion, strained relationships, and other personal issues that may be hindering their growth and well-being.

Kathryn Alice Hume


I have been absolutely and Divinely blessed to have been able to receive The Pink Rose, The Red Rose and the White Rose Ceremonies with Shanti Leone.

Each one different in its unique vibration and all working and blending together as a magnificent Radiance transmitted so beautifully and so powerfully and lovingly through Shanti.

I have experienced these transmissions over a period of 5 months, each one building on the other, with a gentle and penetrating beauty, that I am transformed through this Sacred Passage.

I have experienced, layer upon layer, of the most tender unravelling, intense , but so held and intrinsically guided, that again , i am forever a more beautiful version of myself, more true, connected and aligned. A felt sense of Who I AM.

Shantis guidance and love, and her connection , so true and potent, so crystal clear is wat , for me , has made these ceremonies something i will always treasure, and more than that, something that I am forever rebirthed by

In all my deepest love and respect for all

Kathryn Alice Hume


Shanti Lleone

About Your Sai Shakti Practitioner

Shanti, meaning Peace, was born to two Master Teachers in a mystical community. Since the age of 2, she has been involved in Eastern and Western modalities of healing and spirituality, including the Tree of Life. Shanti's Kundalini was awakened as a baby, allowing her to communicate with Divine Beings from birth. She majored in Opera and had a successful music career in pop and rock, winning a Billboard Pop Songwriter award and collaborating with artists like Black Eyed Peas and Christina Aguilera. Shanti has also performed internationally, sharing the stage with Yes, The Eagles, and Ozzy Osbourne. Currently,

Shanti has taken the wisdom and experience of her training in the energetic arts as a Shamanic Energy Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, High Priestess, Sound Healing Practitioner, Vedic Astrologer, and Channeler and moved into the advanced wisdom of the most powerful technologies she has ever worked with and which she believes is some of the most powerful channels available to us during this Yuga (time cycle), Sai Shakti Healing. Through this modality and the energetic channels, she has been able to witness miracles and facilitate miracles for others. By the continued grace of Sri Kaleshwar, Divine Mother, Master Jesus and Shirdi Sai Baba, ay all beings be happy, blessed and healed! Jai Guru, Jai Ma!